I’ve added items to my cart and my cart is empty, what’s the deal?
This is likely caused by cookies being disabled on your browser. A cookie is a small file written on your computer that remembers certain information about your visit to a web site. OstrichLand Store uses cookies to remember who you are while you're adding info to your shopping cart. Without them, we wouldn't be able to associate you with a shopping cart on our system. To enable cookie support, we recommend consulting your browser's documentation (instructions for Internet Explorer 6 are below). Newer browsers allow you the option to enable Session cookies, by enabling this option any cookie written will be deleted from your computer after you leave this site. If you are concerned about cookies being written, we recommend setting the cookie handling options to prompt you when a cookie has requested to be written. Enabling Cookie Support in Internet Explorer 6 Open your browser and click on Tools, then Options. From the window that pops up, click the Privacy tab. You may now click the Edit button under the Web Sites group, and add www.warnerartglass.com to the Managed sites list. If you don't wish to add us to the Managed Sites, you may instead click the Advanced button under the Privacy tab. If Override automatic cookie handling is checked, click the box next to Always Allow Session cookies. Click OK, then OK again to exit the Options menu. You'll need to close and reopen your browser for these settings to take effect.